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– Owen

9 Different Passive Income Streams
Money is amazing. Just the concept of money itself is incredible.
We all agree to take this worthless piece of paper and assign value to it. Most of us trade a considerable amount of our personal time for these pieces of paper. Then we trade some, or all, of those pieces of paper for stuff and things. Money is just a concept but it’s one we all agree to believe in.
One thing I find amazing about money, is that money can make more money. You put those little guys/girls to work and they start to multiply.
You can put your money to work in different ways. Some ways require you to be an active participate, like starting a business. This is active income. You need to spend money, and time, to make money.
But you can also put your money to work in other ways, ways that are more passive, ways that require little to no work from you.

Earn Extra Money – The Unconventional Way
Earning more money doesn’t necessarily mean getting a job. There are plenty of ways to earn money, or just earn extra money, in very unconventional ways.
The conventional (and somewhat boring) way to earn money is to get a job. If you need to earn more money you might get a second job, or a third. But getting a job isn’t the only way to earn money. There are other ways to earn money that don’t involve getting a job.
In this post, we’ve got seven different ways to earn extra money. Of course, there are lots of unique ways to earn money that we haven’t covered in this post but we hope these will at least inspire you to dig a bit deeper and find something that fits you perfectly.
These ways to earn extra income are slightly unconventional. They might not be as stable as a full-time job but they can be a great way to earn a bit of extra money on the side.

Three Extreme Ways To Save Money This Year
In this post we’re talking about extreme ways to save money. We are NOT talking about reusing your paper towels, or squeezing ketchup packs back into the bottle. That’s might save money, but that’s not extreme enough.
What we’re talking about here is extreme frugality. The level of frugality that allows you to live off half your income of less. Frugal living like this doesn’t come easy.
If you want to save big you have to go extreme.
These extreme ways to save money will require a little more commitment and determination than squeezing ketchup packs back into the bottle.
These aren’t easy ways to save money. Oh no. These three ways to save money require some serious lifestyle changes but if you can do them you’ll be on your way to living on just a fraction of a regular household’s budget.

Owen Winkelmolen
Advice-only financial planner, CFP, and founder of PlanEasy.ca
“Welcome to the PlanEasy blog! We make personal finance easy.
Thanks for visiting.”
– Owen
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9 Different Passive Income Streams
Money is amazing. Just the concept of money itself is incredible.
We all agree to take this worthless piece of paper and assign value to it. Most of us trade a considerable amount of our personal time for these pieces of paper. Then we trade some, or all, of those pieces of paper for stuff and things. Money is just a concept but it’s one we all agree to believe in.
One thing I find amazing about money, is that money can make more money. You put those little guys/girls to work and they start to multiply.
You can put your money to work in different ways. Some ways require you to be an active participate, like starting a business. This is active income. You need to spend money, and time, to make money.
But you can also put your money to work in other ways, ways that are more passive, ways that require little to no work from you.

Earn Extra Money – The Unconventional Way
Earning more money doesn’t necessarily mean getting a job. There are plenty of ways to earn money, or just earn extra money, in very unconventional ways.
The conventional (and somewhat boring) way to earn money is to get a job. If you need to earn more money you might get a second job, or a third. But getting a job isn’t the only way to earn money. There are other ways to earn money that don’t involve getting a job.
In this post, we’ve got seven different ways to earn extra money. Of course, there are lots of unique ways to earn money that we haven’t covered in this post but we hope these will at least inspire you to dig a bit deeper and find something that fits you perfectly.
These ways to earn extra income are slightly unconventional. They might not be as stable as a full-time job but they can be a great way to earn a bit of extra money on the side.

Three Extreme Ways To Save Money This Year
In this post we’re talking about extreme ways to save money. We are NOT talking about reusing your paper towels, or squeezing ketchup packs back into the bottle. That’s might save money, but that’s not extreme enough.
What we’re talking about here is extreme frugality. The level of frugality that allows you to live off half your income of less. Frugal living like this doesn’t come easy.
If you want to save big you have to go extreme.
These extreme ways to save money will require a little more commitment and determination than squeezing ketchup packs back into the bottle.
These aren’t easy ways to save money. Oh no. These three ways to save money require some serious lifestyle changes but if you can do them you’ll be on your way to living on just a fraction of a regular household’s budget.
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