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– Owen

When Do I Need Life Insurance?
Insurance helps you manage risk. Specifically, financial risk.
Insurance is great for highly unlikely but catastrophic risks. Things like a car accident, large medical expense, house fire, or an unexpected death.
Each of these risks could have massive financial consequences if they were to happen.
Luckily, the chances of these happening are extremely slim, however, there is always still a chance. Buying insurance helps you mitigate that very small chance by insuring against it. If you do experience some bad luck, your insurance will help cover the financial impact.
Before we jump into when you might consider life insurance let’s first cover what insurance is in general.

Why is money important to you? To me?
Money is important. No doubt about it. Without money you couldn’t buy food, or buy clothes, or put a roof over your head. Obviously, we all need some money to survive. But have you ever stopped to think about why money is important to you?
Once those basic survival needs are taken care of, things become a little more interesting; suddenly the importance of money changes from person to person.
Have you ever been amazed by what other people spend their extra money on? How much they spend on certain activities, hobbies, toys, or vacations?
Or perhaps you’ve been questioned on your spending decisions by a friend, a co-worker, or maybe even a partner?!?
It’s easy to forget that we all value things differently and that we make spending choices accordingly.
Why money is important to me could be very different from why money is important to you. Even between partners there can be confusion and frustration about why money is important.
At the end of the post I’ll share with you my financial values. You’ll have the opportunity to find out what your financial values are too!

Five Crazy Ways I Like To Save Money
Saving money is a very personal thing. Everyone values things differently. You and I each have our own personal values. What we like. What we dislike. Even if we have the same income and live in the same area we’re still going to have very unique budgets because we value things differently.
Take me for example. I value time and freedom. I value time with my family and friends. I value the freedom to choose how I spend my time. I value these things more than other things and I’m willing to make sacrifices to give me more time and freedom.
My budget reflects what I value. I save money on things that I don’t value and I spend money on things that I do. Some things I choose to save money on might seem crazy to you, or it might seem normal, it all depends on what you value.
I’m going to share with you five crazy things that I like to do to save money. Depending on what you value, you might I’m absolutely insane, or you may think I’m completely normal.
What crazy ways do you save money? What do you value? Make a comment at the end of the post.

Owen Winkelmolen
Advice-only financial planner, CFP, and founder of PlanEasy.ca
“Welcome to the PlanEasy blog! We make personal finance easy.
Thanks for visiting.”
– Owen
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When Do I Need Life Insurance?
Insurance helps you manage risk. Specifically, financial risk.
Insurance is great for highly unlikely but catastrophic risks. Things like a car accident, large medical expense, house fire, or an unexpected death.
Each of these risks could have massive financial consequences if they were to happen.
Luckily, the chances of these happening are extremely slim, however, there is always still a chance. Buying insurance helps you mitigate that very small chance by insuring against it. If you do experience some bad luck, your insurance will help cover the financial impact.
Before we jump into when you might consider life insurance let’s first cover what insurance is in general.

Why is money important to you? To me?
Money is important. No doubt about it. Without money you couldn’t buy food, or buy clothes, or put a roof over your head. Obviously, we all need some money to survive. But have you ever stopped to think about why money is important to you?
Once those basic survival needs are taken care of, things become a little more interesting; suddenly the importance of money changes from person to person.
Have you ever been amazed by what other people spend their extra money on? How much they spend on certain activities, hobbies, toys, or vacations?
Or perhaps you’ve been questioned on your spending decisions by a friend, a co-worker, or maybe even a partner?!?
It’s easy to forget that we all value things differently and that we make spending choices accordingly.
Why money is important to me could be very different from why money is important to you. Even between partners there can be confusion and frustration about why money is important.
At the end of the post I’ll share with you my financial values. You’ll have the opportunity to find out what your financial values are too!

Five Crazy Ways I Like To Save Money
Saving money is a very personal thing. Everyone values things differently. You and I each have our own personal values. What we like. What we dislike. Even if we have the same income and live in the same area we’re still going to have very unique budgets because we value things differently.
Take me for example. I value time and freedom. I value time with my family and friends. I value the freedom to choose how I spend my time. I value these things more than other things and I’m willing to make sacrifices to give me more time and freedom.
My budget reflects what I value. I save money on things that I don’t value and I spend money on things that I do. Some things I choose to save money on might seem crazy to you, or it might seem normal, it all depends on what you value.
I’m going to share with you five crazy things that I like to do to save money. Depending on what you value, you might I’m absolutely insane, or you may think I’m completely normal.
What crazy ways do you save money? What do you value? Make a comment at the end of the post.
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